And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him (Colossians 3:17).

Jesus said in Mark 16:17, “…In my name shall they cast out devils….” I would to God all of God’s children understood what this means; the authority and dominion we wield in His Name! When you address devils and situations in the Name of Jesus, they have no option; they must comply.

Then think about what we read in our opening verse: “And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus…” (Colossians 3:17). This means you’re to live your life in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. That simply means one thing: absolute victory for you every day. If you’d do what the Word says, your life will be full of joy, glory, excellence and victories. You can’t fail or be defeated in His Name.

When you pray, you’re guaranteed to receive answers, because every request you make is as though Jesus were the one making that request, since you’re making it in His Name. The Father sees your requests as Jesus’ request; you’re praying in His place and since Jesus can’t be turned down, your request can’t be denied. Glory to God!

It’s a legal thing; He gave us the power of attorney to use His Name and live in His Name. It doesn’t matter what challenges you might be facing; if you’d use the Name of Jesus, victory is assured. Praise God!

My Confession Today,

I boldly confess that I trust in God’s Word as the ultimate source of truth, wisdom, and guidance for my life. I choose to meditate on God’s Word daily, allowing it to transform my thoughts, attitudes, and actions will obey God’s Word and follow His commandments, even when it requires sacrifice or goes against my own desires.

Glory to God!

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