And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death (Revelation 12:11).

The verse above reveals an important spiritual principle: the Apostle John saw in the visions of the Spirit that as the angels of God war against the devil, the accuser of all brethren. It was a testimony of truth—with their faith in the blood of Jesus Christ and its significance in the New Testament—they overcame the adversary, and the angels won the fight (Revelation 12:7-10).

The implication is that the fight in the realm of the spirit is won or lost as a result of what we do in the earth. Therefore, keep bearing your testimony of Christ, affirming the Word of God and taking the Holy Communion. That’s how to maintain your victory and keep reigning in life through Jesus Christ. The Bible says, “…they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:17).

He told us in John 16:33, “…be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” Reiterating the victorious life we’ve received in Him, the Apostle John tells us, “For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world…” (1 John 5:4). He gave us the victory, and it’s for us to walk in the light of that victory. You’ve overcome the world and its wickedness, its falsities and fears, its deceptions, systems and economics. Hallelujah!

Satan and his minions have no right to run rampage, wreak havoc or perpetrate evil in your life and environment; they have no jurisdiction in your “aiōn.” Jesus told us to cast out demons (Matthew 10:8). So, cast out demons everywhere and anywhere they rear their ugly heads. In God’s prophetic book, it’s been stated that we won, and so we’re walking in the victory that’s been given to us in the Name of Jesus.

Proclaim the victory of Christ in your home, over your body, over your family, ministry, business, and everything related to you. Proclaim His victory over your city, nation and the nations of the world. Remember, Jesus is Lord over all; all power has been given to Him in heaven and in earth; and we’re partakers of His glory, dominion, greatness, victory and power. His victory is ours. Glory to His Name forever!

My Confession Today,

I boldly confess that I trust in God’s provision for my life, because God is capable enough to meet all of my needs. I willingly let go of all my worries and fears about the future, knowing that God is my provider and sustainer. My faith in God’s promise does not waiver because I am assured that God’s provision is abundant, timely, and perfect for my every need.

Glory to God!

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