Saturday, September 24th 2022


But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them (2 Corinthians 4:3-4).

From the scripture above, it’s clear that it’s Satan that has blinded the eyes of those who haven’t believed the Gospel. But Satan and all demons are subject to you in Jesus’ Name; no exception. We have complete authority over them.

When you have a friend or loved one whom you’ve discerned is being held in bondage by Satan from receiving the Gospel, cast the devil out. You say, “I break the power of the devil over his mind, over his life, and I claim his salvation and call it done, in Jesus’ Name! I decree that he’d come to the Lord! I release ministering spirits to go forth and guide his path unto salvation, and it shall be so, in the Name of the Lord Jesus!”

However, after making those declarations, continue to intercede, because there’s also the part of the person’s own will to serve God. Even after Satan’s influence is broken, it’s up to an individual to make up his mind to serve the Lord. The part that involves the individual’s will requires persistent intercession. If you’re going to influence a man’s will, you can’t just do it by the prayer of faith; it has to be by the prayer of intercession.

My Confession Today,

I boldly confess that I am fully assured that my future is secured in Christ Jesus. I am a child of the living God, walking triumphantly. The devil has no power over my life, destiny and Joy. I will rejoice and shout for Joy even in the midst of the storm. The Lord has caused me to rejoice again. I have the victory!

Glory to God!

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